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Wedding Films

Let us craft your love story into a visual symphony that resonates through four unforgettable films.

The trailer

Start your film adventure by immersing yourself in the magic with our one-minute trailer, a lively showcase capturing the heart of your special day. Turn the sound on for the full experience :)

The highlight film

Elevate your experience with the highlight film, a full song masterpiece weaving together every cherished moment. From decor to candids, view the perfect culmination of footage from your wedding day.

The ceremony film

Relive the sacred vows, tender glances, and the moments that mark the beginning of your forever. From processional to recessional, we capture your ceremony in its entirety. Let us weave the intricate tapestry of your ceremony, preserving the emotion, and significance that makes it uniquely yours.

The toasts film

Lastly, our Toasts Film captures the heartfelt speeches, and special dances ensuring every word and step of love and joy is etched in time. Remember, YOU gave them permission to use the microphone ;)

Love what you see? 

Take a look at our packages, and find out what is included on your big day!

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